Friday, November 11, 2011

I have been learning to write without an apostrophe lately because this computer is missing that key!

The other day Jackson gave me a sweet little kiss right on the lips. It was not too wet either, just the right amount. Jackson pats us on the back and gives us little back rubs. He also screeches when he does not get his way. Wow watch out! He does not seem to know how to sleep anywhere but our bed, I do not want him to grow up, but I really need to get this fixed. Guess what I will be doing next week. You guessed it, probably getting even less sleep well I figure out how he is going to sleep in his crib!;) Did I mention that he is teething and has a diaper rash too.

My sister had a baby girl this week! Congratulations Kinsey! Ava is adorable.:) I am a little jealous that you get to have a newborn around.

Audrey is writing an essay and worked on it tonight with her dad. She is writing about gymnastics. I took her to the optometrist the other day and she is borderline for needing glasses. She says she can not see well and that her eyes are bugging her, so we are going to get her glasses. Wish us luck picking them out. I found one of Audrey's Christmas lists and one of the things she wants is a machine to clean up the playroom!

Jessica had a friend over yesterday. She is a sweetheart and a big helper. She really wants to take piano lessons! She likes to sing and make her own little books. She is reading really well and
doing well in school. Jessica went to the eye doctor too, but is more farsighted and will probably never have eyes like me and Audrey!:) In school we have been learning about the weather and seasons, and I asked her why she thought some times of the year were warmer than others. She said, "The sun probably got bored of it..."

Austin made the comment to Jessica that she had made him so happy the other day. I told him the same thing the other day. It is so fun to really hear and understand him. He asks a lot of questions and makes comments especially when we are in the car. He comments about the trucks, cows and horses.

This fall we froze tomatoes and peaches, Canned peaches and pears and applesauce. The kids and I went to an apple orchard and picked apples. I think we all enjoyed it. Even me!

We ran out of candy for the trick or treaters and Austins Jack O Lantern got smashed. Benson and I dressed up as nerds, Austin was a bumble bee, Jackson was superman, Audrey was a good witch and Jessica was a clown and also a dog. Thanks for sending costumes mom!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Tell Jessica the sun really got bored with Southern Alberta because it is COLD!! Good luck to Audrey with new glasses! I bet she gets really cute ones :)