Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fingers, planning, kite and gardens...all in one day.

My finger is healing nicely it still hurts when I ram it into things. We have the baby blessing for our soon-to-be-born baby tentatively scheduled for October 12th not for sure yet. Audrey tried to make a kite it was pretty cool. Too bad I did not have sticks for the cross braces. It hung in the wind for a little bit though. We've about exhausted our sugar snap pea plants this year. I pulled the broccoli out. Corn is about 6 feet tall but no corn yet. We picked a cucumber that made it through the frost we had in June. We'll have a gazillion tomatoes for BLT's. We just have to kill the pig we've been raising for the bacon, is that all that pigs are good for?

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